I caught the sun today.

He came down to play

with me,

for hours and hours.

And as we walked side by side,

he chased away my glower.

And filled me with a radiance,

dazzling, pure and warm.

His touch,

upon my skin like a kiss

sent from heavens door.

As my heart, a beat it missed.

A rosy day,

a wonder filled day.

That day I caught the sun.

I begged him please,

don’t hide away

and leave my days so grey.

Don’t leave my days

stark and drear,

when you decide,

not to shine.

When all about me threatens

a tumultuous tangle of time.

And even though he heard my plea

his time to leave

drew nigh.

Clouds rolled by

and bore him up,

back into deep blue skies.

My skin did cool,

and with upward gaze,

my heart stirred;

a long drawn sigh.

For though the day had come to close,

he left me not alone.

As homeward now upon weary feet,

I walked the road ahead.

Incandescent so I shone,

lucent from sun kissed skin

which glowed -hot- all week!

The day I caught the sun.

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